CHS Class of 1953

The Class of 1953 graduated 36 students. The faculty consisted of 13 members.
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The Complete 1953 Yearbook is online. View it here.

- Carline Brower - B.S., Social Science, Bethel College
- Roland Buckley - Band
- Wilodean Buckley - Piano
- Charles V. Cooper - B.S., Sicial Studies, Union University
- Lucille Doty - B.S., Business, University of Tennessee
- Rosa Funderburk - A.B., English, Tennessee College
- Joe T. Herndon - B.S. in Physical Ed., Murry State College
- Anita Herndon - A.B., English, Murray State College
- Katherine Higdon - Piano
- Wade B. Horn - B.S. in Agriculture, University of Tennessee
- Margaret Jenkins - A.B., English, Bethel College
- Evelyn Pace - Home Economics
- Paul Ward - B.S. in Physical Ed. Murray State College

- * Bernice Birdwell
- * Leonard Brinkley - Vice-President
- Louise Brinkley
- *Bernard Butler
- Harlene Campbell
- Peggy Cavender
- * William Allen
- Frances Cooper
- * Charles Ray Dillon
- Troy Gene Elkins - Sergeant-at-arms
- * Brenda England
- Veldon Fields
- * Evelyn Fowler
- * Shelby Fowler
- * Lewis Dwayne Gamblin - President
- * June Glosson
- * Dwayne Ray Holladay
- James Hollingsworth
- Deloris Horton
- * Shelby Jean Jordan
- * Betty Kizer
- Nancy Lowry - Reporter
- * Ted Lowry
- * Betty McMillin
- * Nancy Park - Valedictorian
- Virginia Pinkley
- Guilford Rice - Secretary
- Aletha Robinson - Treasurer/Salutatiroan
- Virginia Smith
- Sidney Spence
- Clenoy Turner
- Frances Wall
- * Wade Ware
- * Claudette Wilson
- Gene Wilson
- Perry Wright
Others that did not graduate
- *Larry Dowdy - Obituary

- Glenda Abbott - Vice-President
- Phillip Allen - President
- Eugene Anderson
- Bette Bailey - Secretary
- Jane Bailey
- Kenneth Boswell
- Barbara Cooper
- Skip Crawford
- Wilbur Dean Ellis
- Kenneth Eubanks
- Bette Franklin
- Billy Futrell
- Shirley Glosson
- Carolyn Grissom
- Mary Ethel Hodge
- Bobby Hollingsworth
- Patty House
- Peggy House
- Gay Ann Kee
- Dorothy King
- Ralph Lowe - Treasurer
- Willard Duarl Luther
- Mary Frances Melton
- Larry nesbitt
- Rosalyn Pinson
- Freddie Sue Prince
- Audry Randle
- Bobby Robison
- David Thomas
- Rosemary Turner - Reporter
- Reba Ann White
- Patricia Ann Wright
- Bette Yarbrough

- Jerry Allen
- Olene Arnold - Treasurer
- Jean Austin
- Roland Bennett
- James Brinkley
- Boyce Brown
- James Capilinger
- Mary Lynn Cole
- Billy Dodd
- Martin Eason - Sergeant-at-arms
- Jo Ann Edwards
- Etta Lou Ellis - Reporter
- Peggy Ellis
- Barbara Glisson
- Cordell Harris, Jr.
- Robert Hastings
- Bobby Holley
- Bobby Lee Hurt
- Margueite Johnson
- Barbara Jones
- Sammie Larkins
- Thelma Liles
- Ada Faye Loveall
- Peggy Mabry
- Carolyn McMackins
- Wansie Medlin
- Frances Neal
- Wanda FAye Nolan
- Don Orr - Vice-President
- Jimmy Park
- Roger Phipps
- Kneeland Prince
- Wanda Sue Robinson
- Shirley Scott
- Bobby Sharpe
- Ann Stanford
- Barbara Taylor
- Jo Ann Vestal
- Joe Martin Walker
- Helen Wall
- Charles Walters
- Nellie Sue Ware
- Joe Weatherly - President
- Shelba Williams
- Malcolm Woods
- Bobby L. Wright - Secretary
- Peggy Wright
- Shirley Wyatt

- Mary Lou Abbott
- Charmain Arnold
- Samuel Bailey
- Louise Ballrd
- Monte Bayless
- Jimmy Blankenship - President
- Travis Bridges
- Maudie Lee Brown
- Winfred Caplinger
- Danny Cole - Vice-President
- Billy Gene Crews
- Charles Cunnigham
- Billy Joe Edwards
- Christine Elkins
- Raybourne Forrest
- Tommy Gideon
- Nina Grooms
- Virginia Grooms
- Joe Harris
- Peggy Holder
- Maurice House
- Billy Howe
- Brooxie Jordan
- Martha Kee
- Wanza King
- Bette Lankford
- Shelby Jean Massey
- Gene McMackins
- Buddy McMackins
- Cora Helen McMackins
- Billy Mebane - Secretary
- Doris Ann Melton
- Maurice Myers
- Carolyn Neal
- Eugene Noles
- Ira Lee Nunnery - Reporter
- Johnny Oxford
- Steve Parker
- Jean Phipps - Sergeant-at-arms
- Hazel Rogers
- Patsy Simmons
- Sherry Smith
- Patsy Smith
- Pete Smith
- Larry Spencer
- Jo Ann Tucker
- Elbern Turner
- Hillman Walker
- Elizabeth Webb
- Mary Sue White
- Bobby John White
- Betty Jean Williams
- Elbert Williams
- Bryon Wilson - Treasurer
- Norma Wright

Eighth Grade:
- Harold Beaton
- Margie Dean Brown
- Dwayne Bunn
- Harold D. Carver
- Sonny Daniels - Treasurer
- Bobbie Jean Dove
- Barbara Durden
- Barbara Eason
- Max Ellis
- Johnny Engles
- Rebecca Gamblin
- Shelba Glosson
- Emily Hastings
- Rodney Higdon
- Martha Hollingsworth
- Billy Joe Jordan
- Bobby Lowe
- Charles R. Lowe
- Jackie Merrill
- Travis Nance
- Bobby G. Parish
- Virgie Pierce - Secretary
- Gauthery L. Pruett
- Hal Robinson - President
- Paul Scott
- Lyndel Smothers
- Mabell Smothers
- Attie Jo Taylor
- Marjorie Vowell - Reporter
- Jean Walker
- Billy Wall - Vice-President
- Bucky Wiles
- Marie Wright

Seventh Grade:
- Marsha Allen
- Janice Bell
- Bobby Brown
- Gerald Burcham
- Shearl Burcham
- Edward Butler
- Norm Jean Carver
- Kathlene Cooper - Reporter
- Willene Cooper - Vice-President
- Martha Sue Garton
- Joe Gideon
- Jerry Gilliand - Secretary
- Chessie Glosson
- Norman Herndon
- Billy Joe Hilliard
- Della Hilliard
- Shelvie Hodge
- Frances Humphrey
- Shirley Humphrey
- Doe Ed Engram
- Virginia Jordan
- Charles Kizer
- Maurice Matheny
- Norman Medlin
- Doyline Miller - President
- Bobby Neal
- Betty Sue Owens
- Larry Pickler
- Jerry Rankin
- Darnell Scott
- Sherrel Smothers
- Jou Stanford
- Tilly Turner
- Charles Wilkins
- Donald Williams - Treasurer
- Ronald williams

Sixth Grade:
- Nadine Ballard - Secretary
- Mary Ann Brantley
- Buford Brown
- Sammy Cole
- Carl French
- Jimmy Garvey
- Joe Raymond Glisson
- Nancy Haynes
- Joan Hollingsworth
- Tommy Houston
- Sandra Hudson
- Brenda Sue Ingram
- Billy Joyner
- Bobby Matheny
- Byron Miller -Vice-President
- Sandra Nance
- Bobby Joe Norwood
- Nancy Park
- Ralph Pierce
- Jerry Rowland
- Wesley Sarratt - Treasurer
- Patsy Smith
- Carole Snyder
- Ray Keeton Snyder
- Vernon Spencer - President
- Ernest Thorne
- Barbara Williams
- Junior Williams
- Elton Lee Wiseman
- Newburn Woods
- Mickey Wright
- Eddie Wyatt